I took the Thematic Apperception Test and took my first idea to compose the following.
I see two women who are related a mother and a daughter. They over time have had many different view points during life. The strain of the relationship is shown in both women's face. The younger women is thinking “I am so tired of hearing the same information over and over again and I hope I don’t age and treat my children this way”. The older women is thinking “ Why doesn’t she listen, I am only trying to help with information I learned over my lifetime”.
After this photo was taken both women talked about small stuff, unimportant things that go on daily in their life. They avoided anything that would of put more stress into an already stressful relationship. Once they had lunch or dinner they went home and continued on with their day. The daughter made her normal evening phone call to make sure her mother was okay as she always did and then went to bed.