Sunday, July 31, 2011
Mini assignment 8
Lecture July 27
I realized that I am naturally expressive through body language! I noticed throughout the day that I do use body language often when dealing with my children. I noticed that it is natural for me to get down on the floor when my youngest son is showing me a reenactment of WWE with his Halo action figures. I sit on the edge of my oldest son's bed when he is showing me a new drawing. Those were just two instances this afternoon when I caught myself naturally getting more on their level when I am communicating them! It is has been eye opening to pay atttention to my own body language.
I did not speak with anyone who I am in disagreement with today but I will try to remember to be conscious of my body language when trying to settle a disagreement or having a discussion with someone with whom I do not agree with!
Mini Assignment 8
At the time the Family began to form, Manson was an unemployed ex-convict, who had spent half of his life in correctional institutions for a variety of offenses. Before the murders, he was a singer-songwriter on the fringe of the Los Angeles music industry, chiefly through a chance association with Dennis Wilson, founding member and drummer of The Beach Boys. After Manson was charged with the crimes he was later convicted of, recordings of songs written and performed by him were released commercially. Artists, including Guns N' Roses, White Zombie and Marilyn Manson, have covered his songs.
I believe that like many artist he suffered from a anti social issue. I do not believe he realized this to much later in life but that unconscious state of mind shaped him from a young age. That due to his family history of never belonging which formed when he was sent to live with different relatives throughout his young life drove him to became leery of society. Why not, if even your own family disowned you why wold society want you as a whole. Therefor when society as he felt turned on him he became more withdrawn from it as a group. Due to his leadership ability he was able to use take that unconscious state of mind which I believe by then he understood well he was able to lead others to believe in him by portraying the “society doesn’t care, want or need you” to his group of followers but I do.
It seems to me that again as a group artist are more loners in general. They, I have found have very strong leadership abilities and therefor command the interest and followers in a group. I would tell him to use his ability in a positive way. Find what motivates him, his music, his love of leadership and build from that. Not all society is going to treat you fairly but no one is truly alone and their are more positive outlets in society that could use this type of leadership and musical ability. Music soothes the soul use that as your motivation to succeed.
July 25 lecture
Mini Assignment 8
Psychodynamic Analysis of Jim Jones
James “Jim" Jones is not a hero of mine. He is simply a fascinating character in history that was able to lead over 900 people to commit mass suicide, 300 of those people being children whose parents willingly poisoned them.
If I were to play with psychodynamic theories regarding the unconscious traits of Jim Jones which led him to be one of the most diabolical characters in American history, I would have to state that his insecurity as a young child would have been the beginnings of his need to be a revolutionary leader. Experiences in his childhood, such as his Mother being harassed by the FBI, led him to form extremely idealized views of society in which he dreamed of leading people out of their oppression through socialism. In the process he would be a loved and admired hero to his followers which appeased his childhood desire for acceptance.
Jim Jones noticed early on in his life that he could manipulate people through their religion. He turned himself into a charismatic religious leader and formed a following of people who looked to him as the center of their new socialist paradise. He wrapped good ideology, such as de-segregation, into a socialist cult where he placed himself as the center of the movement and used sex and power to bind his followers so closely to himself that they joined him a suicidal nightmare.
Jim Jones needed early intervention in his life. He was living in a volatile age when our country was questioning its own ideals because of the opposition to the Vietnam War. People who opposed the war were attracted to socialism and communism and were antagonistic towards American ideals and capitalism. Some, such as Jones, and perhaps those around him actually hated American ideals enough to think that they needed to save our country from the great evil of capitalism. In his later years, he appealed to those who felt racially and economically oppressed. Those people by which he surrounded himself encouraged him in his delusion of grandeur. They knelt to his leadership and agreed with his ideology, feeding his ego, making his need for approval and acceptance (which had eluded him as a child) grow into an abusive beast that overtook his entire personality. He farther secluded himself and his followers and progressed into the horrid creature that sexually and emotionally abused his followers securing their ties to him.
The only salvation for Jim would have come at an early age before his self-esteem was destroyed by apparent torment as a child. He would have needed at least one adult mentor to lead him into a normal socialization pattern. His Mother, whom it appears had her own strong views of the world, likely shaped his image of the outside world and portrayed the larger society around him as being evil and unjust. His childhood dreams of acceptance and revolutionary change progressed into a deep madness with the admiration and commitment of his followers and supporters edging him farther off the precipice. By the time that he was a young adult, his path was set. There would have been little advise that anyone could have given him that would have changed his self destructive path. Unfortunately the political and economic time frame in which he lived led others to follow him on that destructive path.
Indiana beginnings
Jim Jones' first church in Indianapolis, Indiana
In 1951, Jones became a member of the Communist Party USA, and began attending meetings and rallies in Indianapolis.[12] He became flustered with harassment he received during the McCarthy Hearings,[12] particularly regarding an event he attended with his mother focusing on Paul Robeson, after which she was harassed by the FBI in front of her co-workers for attending.[13] He also became frustrated with what he perceived to be ostracism of open communists in the United States, especially during the trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.[14] This frustration, among other things, provoked a seminal moment for Jones in which he asked himself "how can I demonstrate my Marxism? The thought was, infiltrate the church."[12][13]
Jones' interest in religion began during his childhood, primarily because he found making friends difficult, though initially he vacillated on his church of choice.[4] Jones was surprised when a Methodist superintendent helped him to get a start in the church even though he knew Jones to be a communist and Jones did not meet him through the Communist Party.[14] In 1952, Jones became a student pastor in Sommerset Southside Methodist Church, but claims he left that church because its leaders barred him from integrating blacks into his congregation.[12] Around this time, Jones witnessed a faith-healing service at the Seventh Day Baptist Church.[12] He observed that it attracted people and their money and concluded that, with financial resources from such healings, he could help accomplish his social goals.[12]
Jones then began his own church, which changed names until it became the Peoples Temple Christian Church Full Gospel.[12] Jones sold pet monkeys door-to-door to raise funds for his church.[15]
Jones moved away from the Communist Party and Maoists when CPUSA members and Mao Tse-tung became critical of some of the policies of former Soviet leader Joseph Stalin.[14]
Deaths in Jonestown
Main article: Jonestown
Later that same day, 909 inhabitants of Jonestown,[89] 303 of them children, died of apparent cyanide poisoning, mostly in and around a pavilion.[90] This resulted in the greatest single loss of American civilian life in a non-natural disaster until the September 11, 2001 attacks.[91] No video was taken during the mass suicide, though the FBI did recover a 45 minute audio recording of the suicide in progress.[92]
On that tape, Jones tells Temple members that the Soviet Union, with whom the Temple had been negotiating a potential exodus for months, would not take them after the Temple had murdered Ryan and four others at a nearby airstrip.[92] The reason given by Jones to commit suicide was consistent with his previously stated conspiracy theories of intelligence organizations allegedly conspiring against the Temple, that men would "parachute in here on us," "shoot some of our innocent babies" and "they'll torture our children, they'll torture some of our people here, they'll torture our seniors."[92] Parroting Jones' prior statements that hostile forces would convert captured children to fascism, one temple member states "the ones that they take captured, they're gonna just let them grow up and be dummies."[92]
Christine Miller
Given that reasoning, Jones and several members argued that the group should commit "revolutionary suicide" by drinking cyanide-laced grape flavored Flavor-Aid along with a sedative.[92] One member, Christine Miller, dissents toward the beginning of the tape.[92] When members apparently cried, Jones counseled "Stop this hysterics. This is not the way for people who are Socialists or Communists to die. No way for us to die. We must die with some dignity."[92] Jones can be heard saying, "Don't be afraid to die," that death is "just stepping over into another plane" and that "[death is] a friend."[92] At the end of the tape, Jones concludes: "We didn't commit suicide, we committed an act of revolutionary suicide protesting the conditions of an inhumane world."[92] According to escaping Temple members, children were given the drink first and families were told to lie down together.[93] Mass suicide had been previously discussed in simulated events called "White Nights" on a regular basis.[78][94] During at least one such prior White Night, members drank liquid that Jones falsely told them was poison.[78][94]
Jones was found dead in a deck chair with a gunshot wound to his head that Guyanese coroner Cyrill Mootoo stated was consistent with a self-inflicted gun wound.[95] However, Jones' son Stephan believes his father may have directed someone else to shoot him.[96] An autopsy of Jones' body also showed levels of the barbiturate Pentobarbital which may have been lethal to humans who had not developed physiological tolerance.[97] Jones' drug usage (including LSD and marijuana) was confirmed by his son, Stephan, and Jones' doctor in San Francisco.
On December 13, 1973, Jones was arrested and charged with soliciting a man for sex in a movie theater bathroom known for homosexual activity, in MacArthur Park in Los Angeles.[98] The man was an undercover Los Angeles Police Department vice officer. Jones is on record as later telling his followers that he was "the only true heterosexual", but at least one account exists of his sexual abuse of a male member of his congregation in front of the followers, ostensibly to prove the man's own homosexual tendencies.[98]
While Jones banned sex among Temple members outside of marriage, he himself voraciously engaged in sexual relations with both male and female Temple members.[99][100] Jones, however, claimed that he detested engaging in homosexual activity and did so only for the male temple adherents' own good, purportedly to connect them symbolically with him (Jones).[99]
One of Jones' sources of inspiration was the controversial International Peace Mission movement leader Father Divine.[101] Jones had borrowed the term "revolutionary suicide"[102] from Black Panther leader and Peoples Temple supporter Huey Newton who had argued "the slow suicide of life in the ghetto" ought to be replaced by revolutionary struggle that would end only in victory (socialism and self determination) or revolutionary suicide (death).
While James “Jim” Jones is not a hero in my eyes, he is a character who fascinates me because of his strong ideals and extraordinary appeal to other people. These strong ideals and his appeal led to the suicide of hundreds of people who also voluntarily killed their own children in the process.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Lecture July 25th
For example, my oldest daughter Amanda has always been stable and focused and her humor leans towards the serious and rational side. Even though I have seen her world transformed and her values and morals change, her personality is still the same. She is still solid and serious with a mild and steady sense of humor. My oldest son has an entirely different personality. His humor is irrational sometimes, and he is spontaneous and views the world through different lenses than my daughter does. He too has had moral and judgmental transformations, especially after Marine Corps boot camp. But when I am with both of them, I know how each will react to differing situations simply because I know them!
My mother also still recognizes me after thirty years of shifting values and morals and outlooks on life. I am still me. My personality is uniquely mine.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Lecture Notes ~ July 25th
Sunday, July 24, 2011
July 20th Lecture
Physical: 1) Glands in body produce growth hormones. 2) Girls 11-12, body starts to fill out in hips and bust area, changing inward and outwardly. 3) Boys grow taller, leaner, more muscle mass. 4) Becomes interested in sex.
Emotional: 1) Teenagers, when they experience love for the first time (referred to as puppy love), it is really real to them. First time experience, nothing to compare it to. They seem very emotional, dramatic during this time in life. 2) Their brain is going through development (frontal lobe). 3) This effects their ability to make consistent good decisions. 4) Passionate connection to friends.
Mental: 1) Seem to have abstract thought, analyze things, compares, random thoughts. 2) Challenges what parents have told them, begins to make their own decision, based on there own thoughts and reasoning. 3) Funny, insightful and deep thinkers.
Spiritual: 1) Strong family values, strong moral, knows right from wrong. 2) Help them make good choices. 3) Experience it through friends of family members. 4) Not all youth grow up with spiritual influence, but around the age of 25, start asking themselves, "why am I here" and seeking answers.
July 20th lecture
Hormone changes
Body changes start to happen (girls bust and hips grow, boys get more muscler and taller
Sexual interest begins
Irrational decisions at time
The first true love or puppy love, very dramatic, overwhelming due to the fact they have no comparison
Brain starts developing in different areas which effect the decision and emotional thinking
Friends become very important at times more than family
Thought process varies from very strong point driven to random at times
Become more defiant wanting to make their own decisions
Attitude changes such as feeling in invincibility
The question of what is spirituality and does god exist. When as younger children they just believed as they were told.
July 18th lecture
July 20th
hormonal changes with increase in estrogen, waist broadens, breasts grow, uterus and ovaries mature, lining of uterus is engorged with blood, "last chance or second chance for the brain" causing rash or impulsive decisions
hormonal changes with an increase in testosterone, grow taller and leaner, they gain more muscle mass, voice changes, testes grow, interest in women and sex increases, "last chance or second chance for the brain" causing rash or impulsive decisions
attracted to emotional characteristics of boys, drama increases and they experience "puppy love", "last chance or second chance for the brain", abstract thinking, begin to think about relationships and feelings, may feel anger or frustration and may experience loneliness, identity formation takes place
attracted to physical attributes of girls, increased drama and first instance of "puppy love", "last chance or second chance for the brain" causing rash or impulsive decisions, abstract thinking, begin to think about relationships and feelings, may feel anger or frustration and may experience loneliness, identity formation takes place
Brain needs more sleep for cognition or it may lead to “hungry, angry, lonely, tired”, cognitive changes take place causing “adolescent ego-centrism” which leads to a belief that one is invincible,
some may experience and think about spirituality, some may gain an awareness of spirituality if it had not been a component of their earlier years
Mini Assignment 7
I already know what type of senior I want to be! I have a wonderful example in my mother who coached hockey at 58 and 59 and who took a six day raft trip down the Yukon this summer with my kids and I! She just admitted last night that even though she is considered a senior citizen at 60 years old, she doesn't feel like a senior citizen... although she did ask for her senior discount at the state park the other day!
Aging in this day and age is not like it used to be. Health and health care is so good and people are living into their nineties and beyond! We have been guilty of sitting our older folks in rocking chairs and ignoring them. That isn't fair though. My Mom could be told that she needs to slow down and knit table cloths... instead she is doing what she loves! She loves camping and now she has a new interest in rafting the rivers and is making plans to raft the Tanana and the Chena Rivers with the kids and I.
When asked what kind of senior I want to be... I would have to answer that I want to be just like Mom! What an example!
July 18th
mini assignment 7
When people ask me how old I am I honestly think about it. Not that I don’t know but I learned years ago that age is just a number your ability to stay young comes from your attitude. I don’t feel mid 40, don’t act mid 40 and hope to keep feeling this way as I age gracefully I may add.
I want my children and grandchildren to get excited about visiting and the crazy things we may continue to do. The adventures we will do as we continue to travel around. Life is short and I intend on living it to the fullest of my ability.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
lecture notes, July 18
Mini assignment 7
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Lecture Notes ~ July 18th
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Mini assignment 7 - due July 24th
I hope to be the type of elder that people want to be around, that they fill acceptance from me and unconditional love. Life is short, I want to live my life to the fullest! And I think above all, I would like to be known as the elder who lived her faith out through example, not merely empty words.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Mini Assignment 6
Lesson 7
I have always been fascinated with human development! I have raised two children and have three still at home. The amazing thing about children is that they are all so very unique! Every one of them has different personalities, strengths and weaknesses, and likes and dislikes. Nature versus nurture, which is discussed in the very beginning of the chapter is always a subject that is on the forefront of my mind. My two oldest have a different biological father from my three youngest. None of the children know their father well and yet I can see traits in them that remind me so much of their biological fathers that I cringe when I see them displayed! Thankfully, nurture seems to outweigh nature on most fronts.
The brain development of adolescent children caught my interest. It seemed that I had read once that brain development ceased during the teenage years but maybe that is a myth that is taken for a fact these days! As I watched the video that was posted and as I read through the text, I was reminded of how much development actually does take place in the teen years! Their personalities change, their temperaments change, they become more vocal when you can pull them out of their own world and speak with them, and their abilities and comprehension seems to increase. I also noticed that teens need more sleep which has always struck me as being consistent with small children. Teens require as much sleep as toddlers who are also undergoing significant brain growth! Perhaps now when I see my son sleeping peacefully at a quarter past one in the afternoon, I will forgo throwing a shoe at him and let his developing brain get it's rest!
The video of the small child learning sign language reminded me that we sometimes take what we read in texts as fact. Piaget did not give infants credit for recognition of symbols and words until the preoperational stage. The video of the baby very clearly associating sign language with words is eye opening. I think that we need to recognize that even though the theories that we read and study in these courses are foundational, they will eventually be redefined as new information comes to light. This video shows that we may have underestimated the amazing workings of the infant brain and their astounding capacity to learn... if they have a mother with astounding patience, time, and energy anyhow!
Another fun topic that I read through with a smile on my face was the gender development section. I think that in order to be politically correct we are trying to throw out the nature aspect in relation to gender. While I agree that there are barriers within gender roles that need to be broken down when it comes to the equality of the sexes, there is truth to the age old statement that "boys will be boys!". I have two girls and three boys. My girls are raised to play hockey, gut fish, and stack wood right along with my sons. My sons know how to cook and they can load laundry into a wash machine. As a single mom who has had to fill the role of mother and father for my children, my children know that there is not much that a man can do that a woman cannot also do. They have seen it displayed daily. There is still an underlying difference in my girls and boys though. To deny their differences would be an injustice to who they are as people!
July 11th lecture
Mini Assignment 6
I believe that in a calm and relaxed state of mind we think more logically and are more sure of our decisions. In the other option of being upset or mad we are impulsive, irrational and unclear of our decisions and actions. I would prefer at any time to hand work in that was done while my nature was calm vs upset. I would agree very strongly with Alice Isen’s study just based solely of my own personal experiences.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
lesson 7
I guess I would have to say that something else I liked reading about in this lesson was what I got from reading about resilient children. I'm sure I am not the only one that has experienced hardships or difficult times when children were indirectly involved in something difficult to understand. There is nothing more unbearable to a mother then to see a child sad and having no immediate cure for them. A mothers understanding and compassionate heart, words of encouragement and an ear for listening, those are the best methods to promote healing and develop life skills needed to be resilient and overcome the disappointments life brings our way sometimes. A child needs to feel security so they have nothing holding them back. If a child knows that no matter what happens he will not be alone a child can be better motivated to move forward and have fewer doubts about them selves. There is too many things to share about this subject. I could go on forever and not run out of stories. Reason being that as we develop, we experience, as we experience we learn, as we learn we live till our very last breath.
mini assignment 7
July 13th lecture
Friday, July 15, 2011
Mini Assignment 6
It was funny when we started to read Alice Isen's study and how much we agreed with her. All of her statement were right on target, in our opinion. We could relate to them and apply them to our lives. What she was writing seems like common sense to us.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Lesson 7
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
July 11 2011 lecture
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Mini Assignment 5
Finding a person guilty of something they did not commit would cause me personally shame, quilt and many sleepless nights. I do think from this exercise that we will remember this if we are ever in a situation to have to pick someone out of a lineup. However, will this cause us to question our decisions to the point of not being able to pick someone even if our strongest emotions tell us he or she is that person?