Sunday, July 24, 2011

July 20th



hormonal changes with increase in estrogen, waist broadens, breasts grow, uterus and ovaries mature, lining of uterus is engorged with blood, "last chance or second chance for the brain" causing rash or impulsive decisions


hormonal changes with an increase in testosterone, grow taller and leaner, they gain more muscle mass, voice changes, testes grow, interest in women and sex increases, "last chance or second chance for the brain" causing rash or impulsive decisions



attracted to emotional characteristics of boys, drama increases and they experience "puppy love", "last chance or second chance for the brain", abstract thinking, begin to think about relationships and feelings, may feel anger or frustration and may experience loneliness, identity formation takes place


attracted to physical attributes of girls, increased drama and first instance of "puppy love", "last chance or second chance for the brain" causing rash or impulsive decisions, abstract thinking, begin to think about relationships and feelings, may feel anger or frustration and may experience loneliness, identity formation takes place


Brain needs more sleep for cognition or it may lead to “hungry, angry, lonely, tired”, cognitive changes take place causing “adolescent ego-centrism” which leads to a belief that one is invincible,


some may experience and think about spirituality, some may gain an awareness of spirituality if it had not been a component of their earlier years