You had asked what kind of elder that I want to be when I reach that stage of life. I hope to be a healthy, active, and spontaneous elder. A person who is still capable of thinking and has not lost her ability to remember. I am one of those crazy people, who so far has found each stage of life that I have gone through to be great. Each season of life has it's own beauty and magic. I plan to still hike, kayak, watercolor and draw. I think it is important not to be so consumed with getting older, but with living each day to its fullest potential. I try to. I think each day of life is a gift, and if we are fortunate to live to be an elder we are indeed blessed. Hopefully I will have gained wisdom, laughter,and not take life real serious.
I hope to be the type of elder that people want to be around, that they fill acceptance from me and unconditional love. Life is short, I want to live my life to the fullest! And I think above all, I would like to be known as the elder who lived her faith out through example, not merely empty words.